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Dan Grading success!

On Sunday May 30th students from the club attended the first Dan grading session in Sunderland since the easing of covid restrictions. All who attended were scrutinised by the expert eyes of Sensei Frank Brennan,

Sensei Billy Higgins and Sesnsei Gary Harford and all performed admirably.

It gives great pleasure to introduce the latest Dan grades to Newcastle Sendai Karate!

Paul Carmichael and Corto Rudant today performed brilliantly in their respective gradings

and achieved the grade of 1st Dan . By all accounts they were the stand out attendees during the 1st

Dan grading session.

Claire Whitfield performed to a tremendous standard and achieved the grade of 2nd Dan.

Andy Storey graded for 4th Dan and performed very well though will have to return to perform

kata again due to the extremely high standard required for a successful 4th Dan grading.

The club are exceptionally proud of all four!

Well done all!


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