Merry Christmas!
On Thursday December 19th those who could make it met for a few social drinks and some bowling at Eldon Leisure. Seeing everyone in normal clothes rather than a Gi is always a bit weird but we soon settled in to not being in the dojo for once and a few seasonal shandies quickly had our bowling arms nicely lubricated!
Our natural competitive streaks came to the fore and a hotly contested bowling session ensued followed by a walk to a local pub where we drank and laughed the night away.
We all do karate but rarely have the chance to meet and talk about it and get to know each other a bit more so we all agreed we should do this more often in 2020 rather than just waiting for Christmas every year. Looking forward to that already.
A great night was had by all.

Merry Christmas to all from everyone at Newcastle Sendai Karate.